A Guide to Tailoring a SaaS Go-to-Market Strategy That Strikes Gold


Once you’ve given your business idea the green light and you’re feeling pretty confident about your product, it’s go-time for your B2B SaaS startup. To boost your odds of hitting the bullseye, it’s crucial to roll up your sleeves and craft a kickass go-to-market strategy. This strategy is your ticket to snagging and engaging a bunch of potential customers, giving your SaaS growth engine the push it needs to rev up.

If you’re thinking about crafting your go-to-market strategy (GTM) for your SaaS product before it’s fully built, you’re already making some savvy decisions compared to many other startup founders.

Here’s a sneak peek of what you can expect from this article:

Whether you’re just starting or further along in the launch process, this article has got you covered. It offers valuable insights, pitfalls to avoid, and helps you understand the do’s and don’ts when introducing your new SaaS product to the market. 

What is a Go-to-Market Strategy?

So, what exactly is this go-to-market strategy thing? Well, think of it as the playbook that a company uses for selling and promoting a shiny new product or service.

But here’s the twist – GTM is not a one-and-done deal. Even after the initial launch, companies keep tweaking and fine-tuning their go-to-market strategy to match how their product evolves and what the market craves.

HubSpot has a nifty way of explaining what a go-to-market strategy (GTM) is: it’s like your step-by-step game plan to make sure your product and your potential customers get introduced properly. In simpler terms, it’s how you bridge the gap between what you’ve got and the folks who want it.

Why Do You Need a GTM Strategy for SaaS?

So, here’s the deal: even if you’ve got the most fantastic product on the planet, it can still crash and burn.

There’s this study from Harvard Business School that found that a whopping 95% of new products tank every year.

That’s why having a well-thought-out go-to-market strategy is kind of a big deal before you unleash your new baby on the market.

A GTM strategy isn’t just fancy jargon; it’s your secret weapon to:

  1. Dodge Costly Blunders: With a GTM strategy in your pocket, you’ve got a clear roadmap that helps you steer clear of costly slip-ups, giving your launch a better shot at success.
  2. Find the Perfect Match: Even if your product is a masterpiece, it needs to be the right fit for your target market. Your GTM strategy helps you steer clear of markets that are too crowded, where your launch might get lost in the noise.
  3. Set Realistic Expectations: You can’t expect your sales to skyrocket the minute you hit the market. A solid GTM strategy helps you keep your expectations in check and plan for a more realistic growth trajectory.

Without a GTM strategy, you risk:

  • Missing Your Audience: You might end up talking to the wrong crowd. A GTM strategy helps you figure out if your solutions match your target market’s needs and pain points.
  • Going Broke on Advertising: New product launches often come with sky-high advertising costs and crazy discounts. That can bleed your startup dry and be one of the reasons of your business failure. A GTM strategy can help you cut those costs down to size.
  • Staying Stuck in the Mud: Scaling up is crucial for a startup’s success, and a flimsy strategy will just keep you spinning your wheels without making progress.

5 Key Components of a SaaS GTM Strategy

Before you go ahead and start thinking about building a go-to-market strategy for your SaaS, here are some things you should include.

1. Market Definition

This is like picking your playground. You need to figure out which specific groups of people or markets are interested in buying your product or service.

These markets should be clear and well-defined, but also large enough to meet your financial goals.

2. Customers

Now, let’s zoom in on the people within those markets. Who are your target customers? Are they the ones you’re already dealing with, or are you on the hunt for a whole new bunch?

Plus, don’t forget to pinpoint who’s pulling the trigger on the purchase – it could be the IT whiz, the department manager, or someone in the big boss club.

3. Distribution Model

Think of this as your delivery plan. How is your product or service going to make its way to the customer? Sometimes, there are multiple stops along the way, like from the manufacturer to a distributor and then a retailer.

For digital stuff, it’s more about how folks will download or access it. Basically, it’s the roadmap for your product’s journey.

4. Product Messaging and Positioning

This is where you tell everyone what your product is all about. What’s it do, why is it so darn special, and how are you going to get the word out there?

Your message should show how your product fills a need in the market and why folks should believe in it. Make sure to stand out from the crowd!

5. Price

It’s not just about covering your costs; it’s about the value your product brings. How much are people willing to pay for what you’re offering?

Your price should match the value, not just the expenses.

How to Build a Go-to-Market Strategy for SaaS?

So, you’ve got this fantastic SaaS product ready to hit the market, but hold on a second! Before you jump in, you need a solid plan – a go-to-market (GTM) strategy. Think of it as your roadmap to success. 

Let’s break down the steps to create a killer GTM strategy:

1. Know Your Crowd: Define Your Target Market 

First things first, you’ve got to know who’s most likely to buy your SaaS product and why. Start by sketching out your ideal customer profile (ICP).

Consider factors like company size, industry, location, job roles, pain points, tech setup, budget, and existing software use. This helps you narrow down your audience.

2. Money Matters: Set Clear Revenue Goals 

Your CEO or CRO needs to set some clear revenue goals for the coming months and quarters. It’s vital to know which teams are responsible for bringing in the moolah and what percentage of the revenue they’re accountable for. Is it sales or marketing? The split depends on your product.

Did you know? We act as CROs too once we onboard you for RevOps consulting. 

3. Craft Your Message: Develop Your Positioning 

Now, let’s work on your messaging. Who are you, what’s your brand identity, and who are your buyer personas? What sets your SaaS product apart?

Your messaging strategy should scream your unique selling propositions (USPs) and benefits, using killer headlines and descriptions.

4. Pricing Made Right: Create a Pricing Strategy 

Pricing for SaaS isn’t a one-size-fits-all deal. How you charge for your product affects how you’ll sell it.

You can go for flat-rate pricing, usage-based pricing, tiered pricing, per-user pricing, freemium pricing, value-based pricing, per-feature pricing, or pay-as-you-go pricing. Choose the one that suits your product and customers.

5. Distribution Decisions: Choose Your SaaS Distribution Channels 

How will your SaaS product reach your customers? Will you sell directly or team up with professional services firms to do the selling for you?

This choice of the proper B2B sales channel eventually shapes your marketing strategy – whether it’s targeting customers directly or going through intermediaries.

6. Marketing Magic: Create a Marketing Plan 

Time to get your marketing game on! Outline your marketing channels – think search and social ads, SEO, social media marketing, influencer collaborations, events, and account-based marketing.

Plan your campaigns around specific themes, USPs, or content.

7. Sales Squad: Organize Your Sales Team 

Structure your sales team to align with your go-to-market strategy. Depending on your approach – inbound leads or outbound targeting – you might need different setups.

Inbound may require live chat reps, while outbound leans on SDRs who cold email, call, or hit social media.

8. Customer Success Counts: Involve CS in Driving Revenue 

Don’t forget your customer success team! They play a big role in revenue.

Train them to onboard new customers, upsell, cross-sell, and sell additional licenses. They’re your secret weapon for customer happiness.

9. Timing is Everything: Determine Your Launch Plan 

Your GTM strategy needs a timeline. Split it into phases: pre-launch, launch, and post-launch. Each phase has different tasks, campaigns, and collaborators.

Set clear deadlines and launch dates for each piece.

10. Measure, Improve, Repeat: Analyze and Optimize Results 

Select key performance indicators (KPIs) that match your objectives – think customer acquisition cost (CAC), customer lifetime value (LTV), churn rate, conversion rates, lead-to-opportunity ratio, ARPU, or market share.

Track them and measure your progress. Baseline metrics are your starting point.

11. Feedback Loop: Incorporate Customer Feedback 

Last, but not least, get feedback! Use idea boards, interviews, and surveys to collect customer feedback on your product and marketing.

This valuable input helps all departments fine-tune their approach and skyrockets your NPS.

Real-Life Examples of a Successful Go-to-Market Strategy

1. Loom’s Viral Sharing: Imagine a screen recording tool that spreads like wildfire. That’s Loom for you. Their Chrome extension lets users easily record and share their screens. What’s the magic? Virality. Users share their screen recordings with others, who then jump on board with the free version. It’s like a domino effect of growth.

2. Snappa’s SEO Mastery: Snappa, a budding SaaS player, played the SEO game brilliantly. They optimized their website for thousands of high-value keywords. This strategic move made them a go-to solution for anyone searching for graphic design tools. Want to dig deeper into their SEO secrets? Check out their founder’s insights on finding SEO opportunities.

3. Adya’s Referral Power: Before being acquired, Adya relied on personal connections and a killer referral program to win enterprise customers. They offered channel partners a sweet deal – a 20% commission on customer revenue for life. Learn more about their effective referral-based go-to-market strategy here.

4. Privy’s Freemium Triumph: Privy’s freemium model played a pivotal role in their success story. By offering a free version of their product, they eliminated the cost objection and hooked users. As these users grew their e-commerce businesses, Privy’s value grew with them. Plus, word-of-mouth did wonders for them. 

5. TaxJar’s Content Authority: TaxJar identified a gap in the market when it came to sales tax information for e-commerce businesses. They filled that gap with authoritative content. Even today, their expertise on this complex topic stands out. Learn more about their content-driven go-to-market strategy.

6. Brightwheel’s PR-Meets-Outbound Magic: Brightwheel’s journey began on Shark Tank when they secured a deal with Mark Cuban. This SaaS app streamlines operations for daycare centers and preschools. Leveraging their Shark Tank fame, they incorporated mentions of it into their cold emails and direct mail campaigns to daycare center owners. It’s a brilliant example of PR meets outbound strategy.

These real-world examples show that there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to GTM strategies. Each success story has its unique flavor, whether it’s through virality, SEO dominance, referrals, freemium models, content authority, or PR-driven outreach.

The key is to find what aligns with your SaaS product and target audience and craft your own path to success.

Tips to Ace your SaaS GTM Strategy

Here are some best practices for your SaaS go-to-market strategy.

1. Boost Your Conversion Rates

    Growing your business isn’t just about picking a sales strategy and hoping for the best. It’s about constantly tweaking and optimizing. Think of it like a game where you measure your progress with numbers. You need to keep an eye on key performance indicators (KPIs) like volume (how many opportunities you have), conversion rate (how many leads turn into customers), and time (how long it takes).

    It’s crucial to track where opportunities drop out of the process and why, both for your team as a whole and for individual sales reps. This way, you can pinpoint areas that need improvement and provide personalized coaching to speed up the sales cycle.

    2. Shorten the Sales Cycle

    Time is money, and this holds true for your sales cycle too. The goal is to shrink the time it takes for a potential customer to go from entering your sales funnel to sealing the deal.

    To do this, identify common objections and find ways to address them before they become roadblocks. Keep nurturing your leads, and brainstorm how to attract the best-fit customers faster.

    3. Cut Customer Acquisition Costs

    It’s natural for customer acquisition to be pricey at first, but you should aim to reduce these costs over time. Otherwise, you might end up spending more than you earn.

    Customer acquisition cost is like a measure of how much it costs to gain each new customer or deal. Lowering this cost means your marketing efforts have less impact on your bottom line, and you make more profit per customer.

    4. Leverage Your Existing Customer Base

    Remember, it’s often easier and cheaper to do business with existing customers who already know, like, and trust you. So, don’t forget about them! The real money often lies in renewals, cross-selling, and upselling.

    Renewals are super cost-effective, costing just $0.13 on average, while upsells come in at $0.28. It’s like the low-hanging fruit for boosting revenue.

    5. Always Be Ready to Adapt

    Building a successful company isn’t reserved for a select few with special skills. It’s about being strategic and constantly improving your approach. Don’t be afraid to iterate and adjust your plan as you go along.

    If something isn’t working, go back to the drawing board and tweak it. And if something’s working like a charm, think about how you can make it even better.

    6. Keep Your Customers Happy

    Lastly, once you’ve got customers in the door, your job isn’t over. Focus on nurturing those customer relationships and making them so delighted with your product or service that they become your biggest advocates.

    This is where a flywheel strategy really shines, as it’s all about keeping the momentum going and turning customers into promoters.


    In the world of SaaS marketing strategy, there’s a treasure trove of tactics and techniques to explore. But when it comes to your go-to-market strategy (GTM), simplicity is the name of the game.

    Here’s the golden rule: Keep it short and straightforward. Start by focusing on the key metrics, target market, pricing strategy, and the core direction of your GTM plan. The nitty-gritty details? Well, that’s where your trusty marketing and sales team comes in.

    Even in the age of product-led growth strategies, you still need that human touch from your marketing and sales pros. They’re the ones who’ll bring your GTM strategy to life.

    We hope this article has shed some light on the importance of a streamlined GTM strategy. And if you’re hungry for more insights, check out our blogs where we dive deep into SaaS companies’ strategies to stand out from the crowd.

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